Available at:
If you are injured at work, please ensure you have:
- Reported the injury to your employer
- Called and reported your injury to WorkSafe BC (604-231-8888)
When booking an appointment, please advise the reception that you have a WorkSafe BC claim and have your claim number ready. With an approved WorkSafe BC claim, you are able to attend physiotherapy at our clinics at no cost to you. Our reception team will do its best to answer any questions you may have, but they may direct you to your WorkSafe BC Case Manager for further information.
Work-related injuries include a wide range of injuries that occur at the workplace. These types of injuries can result from:
- Repetitive overuse e.g. working on an assembly line
- Heavy overload e.g. lifting a heavy piece of equipment
- A sudden slip
- Twist or Fall
- Direct Impact e.g (being knocked by heavy equipment)
Common work injuries include:
- Repetitive Strain Injuries: Rotator Cuff Impingement, Tennis/Golfers Elbow, Tendonitis, Bursitis, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, DeQuervain’s Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel.
- Fractures: Upper and Lower Limbs.
- Dislocations: Collar Bone, Shoulder, Elbow, Knee Cap, Fingers.
- Muscle/Tendon Strains: Neck/Back, Shoulder, Hip/Groin, Hamstring, Calf/Achilles.
- Ligament/Joint Sprains: Back, Shoulder/Elbow, Hip/Knee, Ankle, Wrist and Fingers.
Treatment includes the following:
- Education:
Ice vs. Heat. Application of braces, slings, seated back supports and compression garments. Signs and symptoms for early detection of possible circulation or infection complications. - Ergonomics:
Correct postural positions with respect to the position of the chair, desk, computer and working equipment. Ensure appropriate techniques with respect to pushing, carrying, pulling and lifting. - Electrotherapy:
Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy, Laser, Ultrasound, Interferential and Tens serve to decrease pain, inflammation and swelling as well as to promote healing and prevent the formation of scar tissue. - Manual Therapy:
Soft tissue techniques and spinal/joint mobilizations to restore range of motion and function. - Exercise Rehabilitation:
Modified and progressive exercise to prepare and assist in a safe and successful return to work and regular duties. Exercise will include postural stability, core strength, balance, functional strength and a home programme. - Taping:
Can assist in supporting the injured area thereby decreasing pain, spasm and swelling. It can also help to improve pain-free mobility and function in the healing stages of the injury.
Looking for work place injury (WSBC) treatment in Fleetwood, Surrey, BC?
Our experienced team at Fleetwood Surrey Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic will assist you with finding the best work place injury treatment. With an approved WorkSafe BC claim, you can attend physiotherapy at no cost. Give us a call or get in touch through our contact form to book an appointment today.